Monday, January 23, 2012

Getting excited about our first day!!!!!!!

I have listed several resources for each family if you want to create a nature journal for your children and a flower/leaf press on our other page.  Just check for the link on the right side of this blog.  It is scheduled to possible rain on Thursday, so we will work on making our journals, reviewing options and setting up our first field trip.  We have copy paper for those who need to make their journals!   We also have cardboard for those who plan on making the presses and I think I have newspaper that everyone can use as well.  Just need the wood cut to the right sizes.  Our flower presses will be 12 x 12 inches. 

Don't forget, this is parent lead. That means your voice and ideas are necessary for the success of this group.  If you have a suggestion of where we can go as a group and enjoy the morning or afternoon, let us know on Thursday! I know that I want to go tubing down the Green River again once it gets warmer.  I also love Table Rock for hikes and Rainbow Falls.  We can go to Kings Mt. Battle Field for a history based trip and to Cowpens for the same. 

We can schedule trips to the Zoo, Aquariums, and even trips to Wonder Works located in Myrtle Beach (My boys suggestion) .  We may have scheduled outings to restaurants to have a taste of foreign foods.  Guest Speakers that share about their home land and so much more.

Be Blessed! 

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